The Experts

Jabe Brown

Master of Science in Human Nutrition & Functional Medicine

Jabe founded Melbourne Functional Medicine after seeing gaps in current healthcare approaches that

often led to poor health outcomes. Recognising that healthcare could be done better, he created a collaborative model of care that united patients with functional medicine practitioners and health

coaches to provide a deeply transformative healthcare experience.

With a Master of Science in Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine, and ongoing training through

The Institute for Functional Medicine, Jabe stays at the forefront of the most recent health research.

Jabe was diagnosed with Coeliac disease in his youth, and it has greatly shaped his desire for better

health. He believes in high density nutrition, not simply staying gluten free.

"Good health is not something you can buy, however, it can be an extremely valuable

savings account" Anne Wilson Schaef

Bee Pennington

Cert Clinical Nutrition, Cert 1 & 2 Holistic Lifestyle Coach, Cert 3 & 4 Personal Training, HCANZA

Bee Pennington is fascinated by great health, and how to get it. After experiencing 30 years of

suboptimal health, a Coeliac diagnosis put her on the path to finding out what was really impacting

her vitality. Bee works as a Health Coach at Melbourne Functional Medicine, is a public speaker, author and mum. She is also a qualified personal trainer. Bee believes that great health is possible for us all, and that, in order to find it, we need to unravel our lifestyles in a world that doesn't line up with our evolutionary wiring.

“At the end of the day people won't remember what you said or did, they will remember how you

made them feel.”

Tara Doherty

Cert in Integrative Nutrition, NLP Certified Practitioner, Cert in Science of Happiness, Qualified

Yoga Teacher, Dip in Meditation , Dip Master Herbalist

Tara is a nutrition and wellness expert. She is a certified nutritionist, health coach, neurolinguistic

practitioner, master herbalist, breathwork, yoga and meditation teacher. She has a special interest in

men’s health, the gut-brain connection and living in balance and harmony with nature.

She is passionate about cutting edge epigenetics, incorporating a holistic approach into her practice in

order to elevate the physical, mental and emotional components that contribute to a life lived with

optimal vitality.

Her approach is holistic, integrated and personalised to ensure you get the results you want. She lives

by Naguib Mahfouz’s quote “Fear does not prevent death. It prevents life.”

“The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of


Ross De Vincentiis

Movement, Holistic Health & Nutrition Coach, Chek Institute Practitioner

Ex-Australian Military Soldier, Certificate III & IV in Fitness, Eldoa & Myofascial Release Practitioner

Ross believes movement, diet, thoughts and sleep directly impact optimal physical and

mental performance. He has trained himself to heal and grow and now empowers

people to move away from illness, injury and disfunction through effective

movement, healthy eating and conscious living..

He served in the Australian Army as an infantry soldier and as a special forces intelligence specialist -

deployed to East Timor and Afghanistan. During this time, the connection between movement,

nutrition and mental performance became even more apparent; at a time where he sustained many

injuries and where his physical and mental strength were tested.

Today, his life focus is on educating others on the joy and benefits of holistic health and movement; inspiring and challenging them to reach their goals; building resilience and not giving up.

“The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.” Joseph Campbell

Nikki Smith

Psychologist and Strengths and Career Coach

Nikki is a career coach and registered psychologist with 19 years' experience and a focus on performance and career coaching, including career change and redundancy/outplacement coaching.

"Life is too short to be unhappy at work."

Nikki is on a mission to influence a million people to play to their strengths and be in a role that is aligned to them to protect their health and relationships. She saw early on the impact of not having your health when a family member had chronic fatigue. When you don't have your health everything is impacted.

People come to Nikki to be inspired, guided and cheerlead from senior corporate roles to create their dream-life best-fit role or business.

Suzana Mihajlovic

Mindset Coach

“Suzana is one of my top people in the world.” - Bob Proctor

Suzana Mihajlovic, elite level performance and success coach, has had over 30 years experience and expertise in the helping professions, distinguishing her from the ordinary. She has been referred to as the “missing link between success and failure”.

Suzana is one of the very few Proctor Gallagher Institute Consultants that worked very closely with Bob Proctor himself. She is one of his best.

Her international success coaching company, Your2Minds, has clients from every continent (except Antartica). Suzana has helped hundreds of people to breakthrough their barriers and achieve quantum levels of success - both in their professional and personal lives.

She is also a multiple best selling author and holds a number of degrees, diplomas and certificates from a number of different universities around the world.

Suzana is a highly sought out professional in the field of mindset, human potential, success and spirituality. She has led major public speaking events and has also shared the stage with the world’s greatest leader in human potential, Bob Proctor himself.

Danielle Stephens

Coach & Organised Life Guru

Meet Danni Stephens, an individual who has mastered the art of juggling the worlds of business, motherhood, and personal well-being with an uncanny ability to create systems and organisation that lead to success in all areas of life. With over 23 years of entrepreneurial experience, Danni's has experienced working in multiple bricks and mortar businesses and in business working from home. What sets her apart is that for 17 of those years, alongside running and building her businesses she been a dedicated mother to her two now teenagers, Gracie and Finn, without having to step away from her businesses.

Danni's superpower lies in her talent for building efficient systems in her home and in her businesses. She's not just a business owner; she's a mother who has successfully navigated the complexities of raising a family while building a thriving business and prioritising personal health.

Today, Danni has evolved into a teacher and coach. She finds huge fulfilment in guiding others to unlock their potential and achieve success in various aspects of life. Whether it's business strategies, health and wellness, or maintaining a happy home.

Danni will share her insights to help you create your own path to a life filled with purpose, balance, and boundless achievements.

Kathryn Elliott

Coach and Founder of The Alcohol Mindset Coach

Kathryn provides specialised one-on-one programs to help professional women and men address and change their relationship with alcohol, particularly those who identify as binge drinkers. She also works with corporates to make cultural change in the office environment around drinking culture.

Her experience in 2019/2020 with breast cancer was instrumental in her life and she is committed to generating awareness and preventing deaths from breast cancer by sharing her story across a range of platformFooter Phone Versions.

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© 2024 The Empowered Coeliac